Triple Spindle Tapping SPM


Customer’s Initial Machining Process:

The component to be tapped is exhaust manifold, which is an engine exhaust component used in heavy diesel engines of automobiles like trucks, tractors etc.

The client used to machine, drill and tap the component on a VMC and then paint the component for rust prevention. As the paint would get deposited on the threads of the tapped hole, the hole needed to be re-tapped.

This was a very time consuming and labor oriented work, which would require labor to manually hand tap the holes after painting.


Machine Design

The machining process continued on a VMC like before expect for hole tapping operation. Once the painting was done, the component would be loaded onto our triple spindle tapping SPM and tapping would be done as final process before packing. We offered a machine with fixed pitch circle diameter (PCD) triple spindle head. The client had three different jobs to be done. The machine was designed with three quick change inter-changeable fixtures for easy and quick setup change. The fixtures were designed with Teflon pads avoid damage to the paint.


The client accepted our proposal and we designed and manufactured this custom made special purpose tapping machine

Triple Spindle Tapping SPM

Final Finding:

  • Client found this ideal for his problem.
  • The time spent on re-tapping and redundant work reduced.
  • Since the cycle time is less than 20 seconds to tap all three holes simultaneously, the productivity improved.
  • Unskilled labour is sufficient to load and unload the job.


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